NKB general association   articleses   organization   contents 



NKB (Neat Kitamura's Bank) is a nonprofit organization.
It is established for the aim to collect and own neat works of art.

Mainly, the project is responsible for collecting and owning music works.
It also produces music works. Further it spreads and sells the collections.

The purpose is to leave the neat works of art to after ages and serve them to the public widely. Mainly, the works are

music performances that are supervised by the theory of performance of Noriaki Kitamura.



Main business are 1.collecting and owning 2.producing 3.spreading 4.selling the neat music worksmusic performances

1.collecting and owning

  • Collecting of recording productsLp CD etc.of celebrated performances digitalizing the collection of recording content and management of the data.
  • 2.producing

  • Recording of new performances and plan making of telerecording data.
  • 3.spreading

  • Delivering the owned recording data by internet mainly.
  • 4.selling

  • Selling the content data for the maintenance of keeping up cost of this project.


  • NKB

    Managing Director: Mr. Noriaki KITAMURA

    Director: Mr. Takuhide MIZUHARA

    Manager: Ms.Hiromi KITAGAWA

    Auditor: Mr. Mitsuaki KUKITA


    MAIL: nkbankga@yahoo.co.jp

    kitamura's mail: bys01101@nifty.com




    copyright 2010 NKB gen. as. All right reserved